They spoke in conspirational tones, with the sound of the water rushing past the stones. What do you really think it is, this Facebook addiction? Anna suggested that it was something that the adults had invented to control children, but that when they used it they began to miss their old days of freedom too much, and started to drink as a result. She was smarter than the boys, and so they said no, it wasn't true what she said. It did not make sense, because they were grownups and powerful and how could they wish to be children again. Nathan offered his alternative. He said it was because grownups were losing money that the government wanted to arrest Facebook addicts. They were being lazy and sitting in front of the screens instead of selling at the market.
Just as Nathan said market, they heard rustling in the weeds and all turned, transfixed with fear of the consequences of speaking of things that they should not. An older boy emerged, dirty, ragged and smelling as though he had been in the filthy water nearby. His legs were soaked and cut, with blood caked into granite-like streaks. The children knew immediately that he must be a Facebook addict. They had heard that this is what the Facebook addiction can do. They all got up and started to run, screaming. The older boy quickly turned back from whence he came, and was lost into the reeds.
"We saw a Facebook addict, we did, we did!" said Anthony. His mother looked at him sternly.
"Don't say things like that, ok? You will get us all into trouble. Facebook addiction is not something we talk about in this house, do you understand?"
"But mum!" the boy tried to argue. His mother was having none of it.
"All the other boys will have been told by their parents by now, that they are not to talk about this anymore. Anna's mother told me she has spoken to her about this. Now it is the end of the story. You cannot go to the stream; I do not want you leaving this street. Do you understand?"

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